10 Important Facts for a Better Oral Hygiene

The Importance of Oral Hygiene for a Healthy Mouth and Body

As you know oral hygiene is very important for a healthy mouth and body. In point of fact, this expertise helps the children to live with it since kindergarten. Of course, this doesn’t say why 50% of the population experience “bad breath” (halitosis), 90% are suffering from wretched dental hygiene.

A constitutional part of New Year’s resolution is still weight loss and healthy lifestyles. Why not push these along with better oral hygiene and another 12 months without gum disease?

To help you start this resolution, here are 10 important facts for better oral hygiene :

1. First of all buy two toothbrushes that are good for you.

Your teeth will recover with a toothbrush that hasn’t bristles missing, or is imperfect. ADA (the American Dental Association) says that is good to change the toothbrush every 3 months. Of course that depends on how often you use it. You can try to change it every 2 months. That’s why is good for you to buy 2 brushes because it removes the excuse that you forgot to buy a new one.

2. Next to your brush you should have a tube of fluoride toothpaste.

Toothpaste is good for your teeth because as you know it fights against cavities and it gives you a refreshing breath.

3. Flossing is good for eliminating the bacteria between your teeth.

4. Eat healthier.

Nuts, celery sticks, and carrots are known under the name of the Palace of Cleaning. They clean the roof of your mouth. Follow them with a sprig of parsley and you will never be worried about bad breath.

5. Take a “trip” to your dentist every 6 months.

This is one of the most important facts. It doesn’t matter how you brush or flush or what you eat if you don’t have a check-up. You also may have a bit of tartar. And the dentist is there to solve the problem.

6. Seek advice from your dentist.

Oral products may not contain everything you need for good oral hygiene. The dentists are professional people and they can help you buy what is best for you.

7. Buy a travel kit for your dental products.

It’s always good to brush your teeth after every meal. But you can’t carry with you a large travel kit. Buy a sized oral hygiene kit.

8. Give more time for your oral hygiene.

This is an important thing because if you hurry to do all these things, the effects will no longer be as thought.

9. Mouth brush means dead bacteria and fresh breath.(Twice, daily )

10. Rub your tongue to eliminate even more bacteria.

Use the back of the toothbrush, and you can use it on the inside part of your cheeks too.