Symptoms of Mental Health Disorders and Positive Treatment

The abundance and the increasing number of cases of mental health disorders have led medical practitioners to make an assessment or mental health test that can help them detect the earliest signs and symptoms of mental health disorders and may provide a more positive treatment and management outcomes and better prognosis. These tests are in questionnaire forms and can be answered by a YES or a NO. These questionnaires are composed of 50 – 100 short and precise questions regarding the person’s attitude, present mindset, and present disappointments.

The purpose of this questionnaire is to act as an initial mental screening test for diagnoses that can cause Biological Unhappiness. The absence or presence of any symptom does not mean a diagnosis is present or absent. After each section the diagnosis commonly associated with those symptoms is indicated. For example, in a child suspected to have an attention deficit disorder or ADHD, these questions pop out:

  • Do you easily get distracted?
  • Do you seem to alternate between not staying focused and being so focused that a bomb could go off without you noticing it?
  • Do you have a history of feeling really great and then getting yourself in trouble because of feeling so great (and being somewhat out of control and feeling invincible)?

Other Mental Health Tests

Other tests include a test for Alcohol and Drug Dependency. These tests can be accessed online from online mental care providers and in your local psychiatric care and mental health facilities. The key to obtaining a real and successful treatment plan is a correct and reliable history obtained from the answers to these mental health tests to come up with a precise Diagnosis.

Honesty is the best policy for these mental health tests. The individual who is assessed must be honest with his answers. The individual’s mental health status can already be determined merely by answering 3 to 5 of these questions heartily and honestly.

The purpose of the test would be diminished if the person answered the questions differently and not by relating to it. Although some mental health tests can promote lying, such as those mental health tests to diagnose Pathologic Liars, the answers must still be relevant and the individual must relate to the questions asked. These incorrect interpretations are often “remembered” as real and this can cause huge problems as well, particularly regarding false accusations. While borderlines can usually trust their good memories, their bad memories are suspect. Some may be true, many aren’t and it’s very difficult to interpret which are which.

Be Honest When Taking Mental Health Test

Many of us lie to prevent or get out of problems and those with borderline personality disorder and other forms of biologically based unhappiness do the same thing. Many with anxiety problems and attention deficit disorder develop a lying response to prevent or manage problems.

Character is extremely important, and telling the truth is crucial when taking a mental health test. One’s word needs to be meaningful. Even those who laugh or scoff at honest people want honest people to do their work for them.