Best Herbs for Beauty Skin


I have three basic beliefs about skin and beauty care. It is important that you understand my perspective, even if you don’t agree—at least not yet! Here’s what I believe, in order from easiest to hardest to accept  It is relatively easy to agree with me that too many American women put too many synthetic chemicals on their faces, hair, hands, breasts, legs, you name it.

Some government experts have estimated up to 200 chemicals a day! Not enough of U.S. women know that the skin is the body’s largest organ and, even if they do know, they aren’t checking the ingredients of their favorite skin creams, lipsticks, or makeup very closely—if at all. While everybody wants to look beautiful, it shouldn’t come at any price. Our bodies, especially our skin, need respite from harsh chemicals.

 The second belief might take more of a leap of faith, or imagination, on your part. But here goes: I believe essential oils have a life force that can be transferred to, say, the skin, when applied. Plant energy becomes your energy. Okay, woo woo, you’re thinking, and what about the fact that plants are killed to make the oils? Typically, the plant is harvested for its flowers or leaves, or even stems but it grows back the next season.

The harvested part of the plant is immediately processed to lock in maximum freshness and life force. As for the woo woo, I simply have seen too many examples—with my own facial burns, healing stories of clients (including my great friend Gina Belafonte profiled in this chapter), and research studies—to believe there isn’t real life force energy at work.

You’ve heard my third belief before, or at least something like it: Beauty is not only in the eye of the beholder but also inside the heart and soul of each one of us. There’s an old saying that “contentment is the best cosmetic for a woman’s face.” I agree and suggest we are all happier when there are fewer chemicals and more natural substances in our lives.

Think of it this way: Being positive about yourself equates to natural ingredients and self-doubt to harsh chemicals. Add the former, and let go of the latter. The Natural Beauty portion of my Healthy Living plan is aimed squarely at accomplishing a new balance in your life with essential oils.

But don’t just take my perspective for it. A short history of beauty (without the textbook!) can help explain why essential oils are the missing ingredient in your personal care routine. We can all learn from the past to thrive in the future. For thousands of years women all over the world, from all tribes and all cultures, have used plants to preserve their youthful looks, to soften their skin, to embellish, to cleanse, to tone, and to perfume themselves.

The expertise of using plants for body and skin care was handed down from generation to generation, from mothers to daughters. There was nothing magical or mystical about it; specific plants were used for specific purposes because they worked. Simple as that, natural as that.