Unveiling the Most Sought-after Treatment Options”

Four Popular Applications of the IPL Machine in the Day Spa

The IPL machine has come a long way since it first started being flaunted at doctor’s offices. For a long time, the IPL machine was only available to physicians. This meant that if a person wanted to receive a deep peel using a laser, they had to wait for an opening and then pay through the nose at a doctor’s office. Then, a few years after the IPL machine was in use, medical day spas started offering them for treatment at a much more feasible cost to the average consumer.

Now, the IPL machine can be found in many premium day spas, and you can even find them for sale for home use. It’s intriguing seeing the popular evolution of a very useful machine such as this. But what treatment types are the IPL machines most used for at day spas currently? The following four applications are unquestionably the most popular for the IPL machine.

Keep in mind there are dozens of uses for this technology—these just happen to be the trendsetter treatments.

Hair Removal

Hair removal is easily the most popular application for the IPL machine. That’s because spas traditionally make a lot of their bread and butter off the waxing services they offer; which are always in high demand. But with the advent of the IPL machine, now day spas can offer permanent laser hair removal. Just a few treatments mean no more waxing or shaving ever again. By comparison to those tedious processes, it’s far more advantageous.

Tattoo Removal

Tattoos are more popular than they have ever been before. Under this notion, one of the most sought-after treatments is quickly becoming laser tattoo removal. An estimated 45 percent of all people have a tattoo somewhere on their body. Of that number, an estimated half are not happy with a tattoo somewhere on their body. As you can see, the IPL machine is a popular choice for those seeking laser tattoo removal.

Laser Facial

The laser facial goes light years beyond even the deepest of chemical peels and even deeper than microdermabrasion. That’s because the powerful light of the IPL machine can go deeper into the dermis than other methods of peels can. This makes it easier for the technician to remove dirt, debris, oil, grime, and dead skin cells. The laser facial is easily the most powerful and reactive of all peels that one can get at any spa for skin resuscitation.

Pigmentation Treatment

Pigmentation treatments are always going to have a strong place at day spas. Until the IPL machine came around, however, the only way to treat pigmentation was by using topical creams and peels. Bleaching creams rarely work, do not have lasting results, and quite often burn or adversely interact with the skin. With an IPL machine, however, no interaction’s negative. The laser gently attacks the pigmentation areas and destroys the cells, which alerts the immune system, which in turn attacks the remaining cells and fades away the pigmentation in just a few quick treatments.