Sleep Disorders and Treatments

Sleep disorders may not be pleasant but there are treatments available.

There are plenty of methods you can use to stop them and prevent them from happening. Many of these solutions don’t even require taking medication or consulting a doctor. Getting at least seven hours of quality sleep at night is essential for good health. Sadly, only a very small percentage of adults nowadays come close to this required amount of sleep. Many of us get an average of just 3-4 hours every night, either because of a hectic lifestyle or because we may be suffering from some common sleep disorders.

If you happen to lose sleep at night it can eventually disrupt your daytime waking hours. You probably wish you had more natural energy! If you don’t sleep well, you won’t be able to function properly the following day. You will feel dizzy and exhausted and you will be unable to focus on even the simplest routine tasks because all you would want to do is go back to bed.

Common Sleep Problems

Before you can find a solution to your sleep problems, you first have to identify exactly what it is. Make sure you consult your doctor first so that you can obtain the correct diagnosis. Do not self-diagnose as what you may consider an annoying snoring problem could be a serious case of sleep apnea. Some of the most common sleep disorders today are sleep apnea, snoring, and insomnia.

Sleep Apnea

People who suffer from sleep apnea wake up periodically throughout the night because their air passage is obstructed and prevents them from breathing. The culprit can be loose tissues in the throat and tonsil area, or the tongue falling back into the airway. Depending on the severity there are CPAP machines that can assist greatly in helping overcome the effects of sleep apnea on a person.


We have all heard a snorer singing through the night. It can be funny when we are not tired, but very annoying if we are. The problem is not just for the listener – the snorer is suffering too and snoring is a big sleeping problem many people face. There are hundreds of stop-snoring products on the market, but a few simple stop-snoring exercises may put an end to the noise.


Most people don’t think twice about taking sleeping pills when they have problems falling asleep at night but this is not a very healthy practice. Sleeping pills have long-term side effects like memory loss and lack of concentration and can also be addictive.

Instead of using these sleeping aids, you can skip the caffeine especially in the last four hours before bedtime. You can also create a bedtime routine that will help your body wind down and get ready for sleep. This routine can begin with a warm bath, followed by reading a relaxing book or listening to soothing music while lying in bed. If you do need extra help, there are natural sleep aids that are far safer than prescription sleeping pills.

Sleep disorders should not be ignored, even if they do not seem to be too serious to you. There are natural remedies for many common sleep disorders, so you can always try natural solutions to solve minor problems, but again, make sure you see a doctor if you have any concerns.