Herbal Supplements

The legalization of marijuana in Modesto has brought forth exciting innovations that occur in this emerging industry. While smoking cannabis or baking pot brownies has long been the preferred method for most, the current options for both recreational and medical marijuana are endless. For those who don’t like the aroma of smoke, or simply don’t like to smoke. Snack edibles are one of the best options. From an endless variety of gourmet white and dark chocolate blends to caramels, hard candy, chips, and more.

Be sure to try a few different brands and flavors, as some seem more potent, and some have an herbal taste that is less distinct. Just keep your dosage in mind, because in most cases you only eat one or two pieces of candy or one small snack serving Medical & Health Care Theme.

Liquids Are Expanding Too

Another great option is single-serve THC beverages, liquid drops, oils, and tinctures that you add to your food or beverage of choice. Liquid blends are often designed for specific purposes such as relaxation or energy. Some have a citrus flavor designed to complement water or tea, while others are designed to have a less distinctive flavor. Some companies also offer non-alcoholic beverages or food recipes for each of their products. An alternative to adding liquid drops to your food or drinks is to simply take the serving size of the liquid on its own—with a bit of water to wash it down.

Another option your physician may suggest is lotions, creams, or gels designed to spot-treat areas of pain or inflammation. These fast-acting blends are ideal because they don’t enter your bloodstream and therefore don’t make you high—and will not show on a drug test. However, you must be mindful not to allow the topical to come in contact with your mouth or eyes, otherwise, trace amounts will enter your bloodstream.

Washing your hands after application will help with this—that is unless you are using it spot treat your hands. Also, avoid taking a warm bath or sauna within an hour of use. If you use a bath product such as THC bath salts for whole-body relaxation, it is likely that the THC will enter your bloodstream.

The challenge with the options above is that you may have already found a Modesto marijuana blend that you prefer—but that doesn’t mean your only option is to smoke it. You can start experimenting with your own recipes.

The easiest way is to make your own cannabis oil or butter. You must first de-carb your weed, then find a go-to recipe for your cannabutter or canna oil. The challenging part is determining how much oil or butter equals one serving. Also, the foods you cook or bake with your canna oil or butter will take longer to kick in.