6 Surefire Pregnancy Signs To Know When You’re Pregnant

When you think you might be pregnant, you start paying attention to any symptoms or signs, big or small, which could indicate that you are indeed expecting. But, do you know that there are actually quite a few early signs of pregnancy? Read on for your very own pregnancy signs and symptoms checklist.

 Sign #1: Missed Period

We all know about this telltale pregnancy sign. Missing a period, or being a few days late for a period, is normally what prompts a woman into looking for other pregnancy symptoms. Some women, however, experience a lighter-than-normal period, or even a normal period during their first few months of pregnancy.

Sign #2: Nausea

Oh, the good old morning sickness. Most women don’t know this, but nausea can actually occur as early as a week into your pregnancy. It just depends on how quickly your body begins to produce pregnancy hormones and how your body reacts to them. Also, keep in mind that “morning sickness” doesn’t always occur in the morning. It can come on during the day, in the afternoon or evening, or even at night while you sleep.

Sign #3: Swollen Breasts or Tender Breasts

Tender, swollen or sore breasts are usually a very early sign of pregnancy. Most women notice these symptoms when showering or when trying to get comfortable in bed. You might also notice that the area around your nipples appears to be darkening in color, or getting bigger. This is also normal and is a telltale pregnancy symptom.

Sign #4: Extreme Fatigue

If you are feeling tired all the time and just can’t get your energy levels up, you might want to take a pregnancy test. Tiredness and fatigue are usually one of the first symptoms of pregnancy. You might find yourself wanting to take a nap, or falling asleep during the evening news. Know that this is perfectly normal for early pregnancy.

Sign #5: Increased Sense of Smell

If you are suddenly able to smell bacon cooking in your neighbor’s kitchen, or if last night’s dinner in the trash is making you hurl, you might want to figure out if you are pregnant. For some strange reason, early pregnancy is accompanied by a heightened sense of smell, and it can be a killer.

Sign #6: Dizziness or Lightheadedness

When you are pregnant, your uterus swells and compresses arteries in your legs. This, in turn, can drop your blood pressure and even lead to you fainting. The same is true if you haven’t been eating properly. You might experience low blood sugar if you aren’t eating right, which can lead to dizziness or feeling faint.