8 Stages of Early Pregnancy

Stage One: Fertilization

Fertilization is the first in the eight stages of pregnancy. When the egg and the sperm fuse together, that is when fertilization has occurred. The fertilization process usually takes around 24 hours to complete. After fertilization, the egg changes so that no other sperm can get in to try to fertilize the egg.

Another fun fact? The moment that fertilization occurs, the baby’s genes and gender are already set. Assuming the sperm that treats the egg has an X chromosome, the child will be a baby girl. If the sperm has a Y chromosome, the baby will be a girl.

Stage Two: Zygote Stage

The zygote stage follows the fertilization stage. When preparation happens, the cells start to partition, and the zygote (a group of cells) is framed. The zygote contains all of the vital DNA information that makes each person unique. Half of the information contained in the zygote’s cells will be from the mother, and the other half will be from the father. The zygote takes a few days to travel down the fallopian tubes, all the while the cells are dividing and continuing to grow.

Stage Three: Morula Stage

Approximately four days after fertilization, the ball of cells will now be up to sixteen cells in total. This ball of cells is known as the morula stage, and this is the stage in which the ball of cells enters the uterus.

Stages Four And Five: Blastocyst and Implantation Stages

At this point, the cells will still be dividing. It will now turn into a group of cells surrounded by an outer shell. These inner cells will later become the embryo. The blastocyst will implant in the woman’s uterine wall (known as implantation). It is normal to notice some light spotting, also known as implantation bleeding, at this time.

Stage Six: Placenta Formation Stage

The placenta is the temporary organ that connects the mother and the uterus. The placenta helps the transfer of nutrients from mother to baby and the transfer of waste from baby to mother.

Stage Seven: Embryo Stage

Finally, we have reached the embryo stage. The cells are continuing to divide and they will also begin to elongate and start to look a little bit like a human. This is where the baby will start to develop organs as well. By week ten of pregnancy, the baby will have all of its organs besides the spinal cord and the brain. Now it is time for the embryo to become a fetus.

Stage Eight: Fetus Stage

The fetus stage will continue through the end of the pregnancy. It is the last phase of the pregnancy. The baby will continue to grow and the organs will continue to develop until around week 38-40 of pregnancy, when it will be time for the baby to be born.