Is It Safe To Visit My Chiropractor During Pregnancy?

What if I told you that there was a cure for all of your pregnancy ailments? Morning sickness, food aversions, nausea, swelling, back pain, breast pain, vomiting, mood swings, all could be gone.

Well, some women think they may have found the cure for all that ails you during pregnancy, and the answer is simple: chiropractic care. Chiropractic care involves the adjustment of misaligned joints, especially the spine, to promote health throughout the entire body.

 Is It Safe?

Many women wonder whether or not chiropractic care is safe during pregnancy. There are no known contraindications for pregnant women when it comes to chiropractic care. All licensed chiropractors must have special training in working with pregnant women.

Some experts even recommend that pregnant women have at least one routine chiropractic visit during their pregnancy. Chiropractors that have been trained in working with pregnant women will be sure not to put any unneeded pressure on the abdomen and will keep both mom and baby very comfortable and safe.

What Will Happen?

During a normal pregnancy chiropractic visit, the doctor will look for imbalances or misalignments in the pelvis, abdomen, and other body parts. Chiropractic doctors can help manipulate the body in ways that will alleviate aches and pains and can even lead to a shorter and healthier labor later in pregnancy.

Some experts even believe that regular chiropractic care can reduce the need for a cesarean section. In some cases, chiropractors can even help to turn a baby around and prevent a breech delivery.

Some women even believe that regular chiropractic care can help to reduce the need for pain medication during labor and can help to ensure natural labor. As you can see there are a ton of really great benefits when it comes to chiropractic care during pregnancy.

What to Do?

If you are interested in getting chiropractic care during your pregnancy, make sure to ask your doctor for a recommendation from a well-known doctor who can help you. Chiropractors for pregnant women are quite common today, so your doctor should be able to recommend one to you. Make an appointment with the chiropractor and make sure to let him or her know that you are pregnant.

Discuss any concerns or worries with your chiropractor and make sure to address any aches and pains that you have been having so you can especially focus on those. If you have any concerns or questions about chiropractic care during pregnancy, make sure to ask your doctor or ask your chiropractor.